Attached to this post are links to the current bus route as well as the proposed route.
There are two major changes to this route. Eliminated from this route is the leg Webster Avenue to Morrow. Also eliminated is the leg from Elizabeth Avenue to Coffrin to Eastman Avenue. The second major change involves the return trip after leaving the UWGB campus. The portion of the route travelling west on University between Curry Lane and Humboldt will be eliminated.
The outbound Route 7 will travel down University Avenue after leaving the transit station and continue east on Humboldt Road. The route will then service the NEW Curative and Brown County facilities on Curry Lane before continuing on to UWGB.
The inbound Route 7 will travel down Laverne Drive and travel west on Humboldt and return to the transit station via University Avenue. The return service through the Laverne Drive will allow Metro to provide better and more sensible service to the apartment housing located on Humboldt Drive.
The purpose for the changes has to do with responding to customer requests about better service to UWGB and downtown.