Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Green Bay Metro Route Reviews

In December of 2007, Green Bay Metro established an internal committee to study the current route offerings. This Service Development Committee has meet weekly between December and May.

As the greater Green Bay area has grown to the west, southwest, and southeast, many of our route offerings have not changed. When and where our passengers wish to go has changed, while many of our routes have only experienced minor changes. The result has been a nearly flat ridership growth over the last several years.

The focus of the committee was to take a fresh look at our routes and come up with recommendations that preserve our current levels of service hours, miles, and can be provided within our current operating budget.

I will be posting information regarding each of the bus routes in the days to come. Please take a moment to review the before and after changes and leave constructive thoughts.


Anonymous said...

Sounds great! I wish there was a connecting route that circled the city so that I did not have to go downtown to transfer. Say a route that was dedicated to the highway.

It could run from Mason/43 to Webster/43 to Velp/41 to Mason 41 to right off of 172 by the mall to webster/172 and circle around like that. This way when needing to go from one end of the city to the other it should become easy.

I don't even bother with the Metro when trying to go from NWTC to the 172/Oneida area. It's way to complicated (unless you want to spend 90 minutes going back to the transfer station and back out again) especially with the #12 only running on the hour.

And what's the deal with no service on Sunday? Do we all just decide to drive on Sunday or what? What about people that work on Sunday? Maybe they want to go to church?

Anonymous said...

Coming out to Ledgeview and East De Pere would also be helpful. What is route 77? I see the signs is Allouez ajacent to Ridgeway and East River, but can not find this route listed on the web site. Is there such a route?

Anonymous said...

I love that you are going to be expanding!!! I don't understand why Belveau and Howard has to be so cheap and stubborn not to expand more than they have to. They should make themelves more avalible to do more than a few routs but do all of those villages. The thing I am worried about is that you will leave people high and dry in areas that you had a bus route and more there bus routes so out of the way they have to take a cab to get to a bus stop because walking is too far or a person with a disability can't walk far. Cabs are exspensive esspecually to get to another mode of transpertation. To do that is morally and ethically wrong to leave people high and dry like that. I love that you are going to expand. I have been fighting to have you do that for over a year. Now you are listening. What I worry about is that it will go to once an hour and not twice and hour. If my Mom has to go to work and miss her bus because it comes once an hour she will be late for work and that is not good. Or if a person need go to a urgent care and miss the bus they have to wait for an hour or in both situation call a very expensive cab. I am glad you are hireing new bus drivers but I ask you to hire enough so there can be buses run twice an hour. I am glad you are going to expand to Aroura BayCare Medical Center. The way you have it now is that you get dropped off at Prevea and walk or take a expensive cab. That is a mile walk so I am very glad you will be exstending out that way!!

Anonymous said...

I agree about what the one anonymous person said. What about Sunday's when people what to go to chruch??? It makes it hard to go to chruch because both we have to get a ride to church. Sometimes that is hard to do on a week people are on vacation. So think on what me and that other person said. Sundays will be very nice

Anonymous said...

From what I've heard from the drivers, there will be no service on Walnut, east of Monroe. There will also be no service to Joannes Park, East High School, Washington School. Sounds like a large part ofyour passengers that you're ready to write off. Between the schools, park, and Walnut, I would guess over 100 people a day.

Anonymous said...


Rays profile said...

1. I'd like to see more of a presence on Western Ave. There are a lot of apartments and lower-income housing in this area so I would think this would be a useful service.

2. I know the transit system tried to run from downtown GB to Lambeau Field a few years ago, then dropped it. With the remodeling cutting out so much parking, I think it might be time to try it again.

Anonymous said...

What about Broadway past G-P? I work on Braodway near 172 and the closest stop is at Best Buy for the inbound #12. With the traffic and lack of sidewalks this is at the least an unconfortable walk. Also,how is it that o go to the Resch Center one has to get off by Krolls and walk around Lambeau? For older folks or with small kids this seems like a bit much.I say the #12 route needs to be completely redone. The old route(when it ran down Ashland) was better than what we have now. IN fact,I think there should be a trolly that runs throughout Ash. with a hub located at the casino,where it would connect with the #16 and a hub at Bay Park where it could connect with the #12. And as stated earlier service to greater Broadway/Resch needs to be looked into. Ashwaubenon bus service needs more business access (not just the mall).

Anonymous said...

My comment is that the downtown/bay beach should go to the broadway area by all development on broadway like the new shopko express and new businesses in that area. my other comment is that route 77 is a special route for notre dame academy.

Anonymous said...

Please do not get rid of the number 15 Libal/DePere bus. I myself, ride this bus every morning from downtown GB to DePere for work. There is also another guy who rides this same route as I, same time, but would have to walk from Shopko to beyond the cemetery where the bus currently goes in East DePere. A third rider I know is a teacher in DePere and usually rides this bus during the school year, which is a time I hope rider counts were not excluded from. There are others I know that ride this bus to work as well from GB to DP. These are just a couple that I have heard talk.

Anonymous said...

why not have a bus service to brown county fairgrounds have it leave bus station take main/dousman to broadway to the fairgrounds and back again and plus people who work G-P, going to other businesses, and the local parks on broadway like ashwauobay park and go in the park making two stops one by swimming pool and second stop at the park enterance and exit going inbound and having 2 buses for this route and named it 10 BROADWAY/FAIRGROUNDS BUS plus having the bus turn around at the fairgounds

Anonymous said...

Why do all the buses have to go to the University Avenue bus terminal? This is the poorest part of the design.

Make a series of interlocking circles. People might not be able to take one bus from downtown GB to the casino but why should a rider in East De Pere have to go to Downtown GB to get to Bay Park Square?

You will never make everyone happy but think of best most efficient use without preconceptions of the way it was/is now. This will give the most objective and user friendly service.

I also saw posts refering to buses being moved away from the elderly. Hello! Edlerly live all over the county. What about the elderly in Howard that do not have bus service?

Anonymous said...

The elimination of the Libal/Depere Bus is a bad idea.
The elimination ofall service on Baird/Libal needs to be addressed. At least couldn't you plan on having the Allouez/Depere bus go out on Webster and return on Libal/Baird, this would accomodate the Washington, East High Students and give patrons in Allouez the ability to connect with other busses at the depot without having to walk up to Webster to catch a bus. And the hill is quite steep!!

Anonymous said...

As an employee of a business that is serviced only by the #15 bus, I am extremely concerned about the fate of this route.
I have put in several years with this company and have a very solid benefit package. The wage is not outstanding so I can't afford to replace the car that gave out last winter and I'm not looking forward to having to start all over at my age, I can only hope and pray that I find a job with insurance and retirement benefits that come even remotely close to what I have now.
I've explored carpooling options but due to various shift times here there is no one that I can count on to get me here without fail for every shift. Finding different rides for different days from different people would be far too questionable to be reliable.
My employer is losing a dedicated, quality employee and I am losing my job. Time and time again in my life I have had to "start over" due to circumstances beyond my control, this time I am stunned, I am frightened and, for once in my life, I am speechless.

Anonymous said...

Ok you are forgetting about a large part of your customers that are the reason you people get a check. The students. If the stops in front of schools are gone us kids will have no way to get to and from school and you will lose alot of buisness and money.