Tuesday, December 29, 2009

New Year's Eve Bus Service

#1 - East Mason: Bus service begins at 6:45 am. Last bus will depart Metro at 3:45 pm (hourly service)

#2 - Bay Beach: Bus service begins at 6:45 am. Last bus will depart Metro at 4:15 pm (1/2 hour service)

#3 - Mather: NO BUS SERVICE

#4 - Shawno: Bus service begins at 6:45 am. Last bus will depart Metro at 3:45 pm (hourly service)

#6 - West Mason/NWTC: Bus service begins at 6:45 am. Last bus will depart Metro at 3:45 pm (hourly service)

#7 - UWGB/Schmitt Park: Bus service begins at 6:45 am. Last bus will depart Metro at 3:45 pm (hourly service)

#9 - Ninth: Bus service begins at 6:45 am. Last bus will depart Metro at 3:45 pm (hourly service)

#11 - Allouez: Bus service begins at 6:15 am. Last bus will depars Metro at 3:15 pm (hourly service)

#12 - Ashwaubenon/Green Bay: Bus service begins at 6:15 am. Last bus will depart Metro at 3:15 pm (hourly service)

#14 - Main/Bellevue: Bus service begins at 6:45 am. Last bus will depart Metro at 3:45 pm (hourly service)

#15 - Libal: Bus service begins at 6:45 am. Last bus will depart Metro at 3:45 pm (hourly service)

#16 - Oneida Gaming: Bus service begins at 6:45 am. Last bus will depart Metro at 3:45 pm (hourly service)

#17 - De Pere: Bus service starts at 6:15 am. Last bus will depart Broadview at 3:15 pm (hourly service)

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Green Bay Metro Makes Donation to Paul's Pantry

Bob Simon representing Green Bay Metro bus drivers presents donation to Angeline Allard of Paul’s Pantry.
Green Bay Metro collected several thousand non-perishable food items from December 12th through the 19th. All donations were then given to Paul’s Pantry. Paul’s Pantry was extremely grateful for all donations received last week. Along with bus drivers helping of the holiday food drive, Green Bay Metro bus drivers voluntarily decided to come together and donate a check to Paul’s Pantry.

Passengers and bus drivers of Green Bay Metro showed great hospitality to Paul’s Pantry and the greater Green Bay community. Green Bay Metro thanks you for your donation.
Green Bay Metro plans to make this an annual event. Metro received much positive feedback from riders, the press, and Metro staff. It was enjoyable to see the joy and the appreciation on people’s faces throughout the community. Thank you for making this all possible.

Operating Hours for the Holidays

Christmas Eve Day 12/24/09 - Operating hours are from 6:15am-4:45pm
Christmas Day 12/25/09 - NO SERVICE
Saturday 12/26/09 - Regular service hours

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

New Route 11 and 17 - What do you think?

Route 11 outbound changes to Route 17 at Broadview. Route 17 inbound changes into Route 11 inbound at Broadview.

This means, if a rider wants to go from Metro Center to De Pere, rider would take Route 11 and stay on the same bus for once it reaches Broadview, Route 11 changes to Route 17. In addition, if you are in De Pere and you want to go to Metro Center, saty on the same bus. Transfers at Broadview will be made for passengers who get picked up along southbound Webster and want to go back to Metro Center. In addition, if picked up in De Pere, transfers will be made at Broadview. Make sure to inform the driver once you aboard the bus that you need to transfer to insure a transfer can be made. Route 15 will not be affected during this change.

This route design is to help some of the time issues being faced at the bottom of every hour on Broadview.

Let us know what you think of the route redesign!

Friday, October 30, 2009

New Metro Service Vehicles

Three brand new 2010 Ford Escapes have arrived at Metro yesterday. These three hybrid 4-door SUV’s were 100% funded for by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.

The grant was part of the stimulus money Green Bay Metro received back in February. These three new vehicles will replace the two '93 Ford Tauruses and the '94 Chevy Lumina.

The new vehicles are kiwi green metallic. Keep a lookout for the bright and shiny new service vehicles!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Metro Rider Alerts' - "What are they?"

Metro Rider Alert's are half pieces of paper found hanging in front of the buses and allow passengers to pull-off from hanger to grasp information. These are to inform passengers on route changes and detours, as well as other relevant Metro information.

These Metro Rider Alert's will be updated whenever there is a route change, route detour, or any other information that may pertain to Metro riders.

Feel free to rip one off!!!

Friday, October 23, 2009

Wisconsin Urban and Rural Transit Association (WURTA)

WURTA discusses RTA legislation and transit's future in Wisconsin in its quarterly newsletter the Transit Times.

This link will take you to the newsletter: http://www.wurta.com/wurta/documents/TTFall2009.pdf

Suggestions on Existing Routes

Since August 31st, new routes have been in effect. Green Bay Metro is now looking at making some minor improvements on the routes, such as: time points, bus stops, shelter locations, and more.
Green Bay Metro would appreciate your feedback and will take your thoughts and comments in consideration. Tell us what changes you would like to see.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

RTA Discussion @ Bellevue Village Hall Tomorrow

Green Bay Metro will be making a presentation to the Bellevue Village Board on 26 August 2009.

This presentation will outline the need for the creation of a regional transit authority for the Greater Green Bay community.


RTA Discussion @ Ashwaubenon Village Hall Tonight

Metro will be presenting a presentation to the Village Board tonight in Ashwaubenon about the need for regional transit in the greater Green Bay community

The Village Board meeting is held at 2155 Holmgren Way in Ashwaubenon at 7:00 PM

More information can be found at the Village website.

Route 71 Discussion @ Wilder Neighborhood Association

A meeting will be held at the Wilder Park and Shelter located at 1217 Edgewood Drive, Green Bay on Thursday night, August 27, 2009 at 6:30 PM. This meeting will discuss Metro's Limited Service Route #71 affecting the following streets: Aphrodite, Pecan, Benjamin Court, Gail Drive, and Alpine.

Route #71 is a limited service route operating only on regular school days. This route will provide one morning trip and one afternoon trip to and from Edison Middle School.

Additional information can be found at www.greenbaymetro.org

Monday, August 24, 2009

Become a fan of Green Bay Metro on Facebook!

Become a fan of "Green Bay Metro" on Facebook to view route maps, turn-by-turn directions, and for all the latest Metro updates; including detours, special events, news feeds, and much more!

Follow Green Bay Metro on Twitter!

Follow "GBmetro" on twitter to receive the most current and relevant Green Bay Metro information.

Visit twitter today!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Route 17 De Pere

Attached is a map for the Proposed Route 17: De Pere. This route combines portions of the former Routes 11 & 15 to provide local service in De Pere.

Due to timing issues and the ability to provide service to many destination in De Pere, the former Routes 11 & 15 needed to be changed.

This hour long route will connect with the proposed route 11 & 15 on Broadview. Route 17 will service many of the same locations as the former routes 11 & 15, as well as new destinations. New destinations include the De Pere Business Park, including door service to Humana, the retail complex on Scheuring Road, including the Wal-Mart Supercenter, and the Syble Hopp School.


Updated Route 15

Route 15 will run in an opposite direction as the proposed Route 11. This bus will leave the Transit Center and head south on Webster to Walnut. The bus will travel east on Walnut to Libal and head south. Upon reaching Broadview, this bus will head west to Webster. The bus will travel north on Webster and return to the Transit Center.

This route is 30 minutes long.


Updated Route 11

Route 11 will leave the Transit Center and travel south on Webster to Broadview. The bus will then east on Broadview to Libal and turn north. The route will travel north on Libal to Walnut and then return to the Transit Center via Webster Avenue.

This route is 30 minutes long.

Maps for Route 1 and Route 7

Attached are maps for Routes 1 and 7. These routes were approved by the Transit Commission earlier this year.

I am posting them in response to questions about them.



Friday, June 12, 2009

Proposed Route 15

Please see attached map. This route is designed to be one hour.


Updated Route 15 Blog Posting

Proposed Route 14--UPDATED 25 AUG 2009

Please see the attached map. This route is designed to be one hour.


Proposed Route 12

Please see the attached map for the proposed Route 12. This route is designed to be one hour.


Proposed Route 11

Please see the attached map for the proposed Route 11. This route is designed to be one hour.


Updated Route 11 Blog Posting

Proposed Route 9

Please see attached map for the proposed Route 9.


Proposed Route 6

Please see attached map. This reflects minor changes to Route 6. Please refer to the earlier blog posting for detailed information on Route 6.

Service on the far west portion of the route changes to add service to the Post Office.


Proposed Route 2

Please see the attached map for the new Route 2. This route is designed as a 30 minute route.

Route 5 will be eliminated and the new Route 2 will pick up portions of the current #5. Downtown service will be covered by other routes already traveling through the downtown area.


30 Day Comment Period for Upcoming Route Changes


All interested persons are invited to comment and are advised of a public informational meetings and public hearing on the fixed route restructuring proposal and modifications to the ADA paratransit boundary for the Green Bay Metro System.

Further information regarding the proposal can be obtained at 901 University Avenue, visiting the Green Bay Metro Blog at: www.greenbaymetro.org, or calling Chris Phelps, Transit Director, at 448-3450.

The public review period for the proposal is scheduled for June13, 2009, to July 13, 2009.

The Green Bay Transit Commission will conduct a formal public hearing:

July 15, 2009
Transportation Center – Commission Room
901 University Avenue
Green Bay, WI 54302

Written comments should be mailed to Chris Phelps, Transit Director, Green Bay Metro, 901 University Avenue, Green Bay, WI 54302 by July 14, 2009.


Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Metro Offers Free Wi-Fi at Transportation Center

Green Bay Metro and the City of Green Bay began offering free wireless connectivity at the Transportation Center located at 901 University Avenue.

Internet enabled devices will now be able to connect to the public network associated with City Hall.

Check it out the next time you are there.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

TDP Public Review Period Ends

Dear TDP Advisory Committee members and interested parties,

The 30-day public review and comment period for the Draft 2009-2013 Transit Development Plan (TDP) for the Green Bay Metro System concluded on February 27th, 2009.

I have attached a copy of all of the comments we received during the review period as well as information from the public hearing.

The Brown County Planning Commission staff will be recommending approval of the draft TDP to the Green Bay Transit Commission on:

Wednesday, March 18th
Green Bay Transportation Center - Commission Room
901 University Avenue, Green Bay
8:15 a.m.

The meeting is open to the public and you are welcome to attend.

Thank you for your assistance and support throughout the process.


Lisa J. Conard, Planner
Brown County Planning Commission
305 E. Walnut Street
PO Box 23600
Green Bay, WI 54305-3600

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Route 16 Deviation Effective 2 February 2009

Due to significant reconstruction Highw172, Route 16: Gaming will be deviated effective 2 February 2009. The reconstruction is expected to last until July, 2009.

The attached PDF map displays the route deviation. Should you have particular questions about this deviation or any of our services, please contact out Information Center at 920-448-3450.


Brown County Planning Commission Releases Draft TDP

The Brown County Planning Commission (BCPC) has released the draft Transit Development Plan (TDP) for Green Bay Metro.

Interested parties are encouraged to provide comments. The attached PDF document contains information about the upcoming public hearing to be held on February 18, 2009.



Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Transit Commission Approves Fare Adjustment

The Green Bay Transit Commission unanimously approved a fare adjustment for monthly passes at their board meeting today.

In a 6-0 vote, Commissioners approved raising monthly pass fares effective February 2, 2009. A half-fare Saturday was also approved. Cash fares remain unchanged.

The approved fare structure is attached as a PDF document.
