Thursday, July 2, 2009

Updated Route 11

Route 11 will leave the Transit Center and travel south on Webster to Broadview. The bus will then east on Broadview to Libal and turn north. The route will travel north on Libal to Walnut and then return to the Transit Center via Webster Avenue.

This route is 30 minutes long.


Unknown said...

When does this route leave broadview to go down webster past the hospitals and clinics?

Anonymous said...

It will be great to have 30 minute routes going down Webster. I don't use that route too often, but maybe will use it more depending on times.

Anonymous said...

According to the latest Route Guide, the #11 runs :15 to :45 & the #15 runs :45 to :15.

However, it also implies that the last #11 runs from 8:45 to 9:15 (5:45 to 6:15 on Saturdays) and that the last #15 runs from 8:15 to 8:45 (5:15 to 5:45 on Saturdays), which contradicts the previous statement.

So here is my question: Can someone please clarify when the last trips occur for both routes (Saturdays included, I do ride the buses then)?

Thank you for your help.