Sunday, July 20, 2008

Green Bay Metro Trip Planner/Google Transit

Please see the attached PDF for a news release about Metro's new trip planner. The trip planner can be found here

This partnership between Metro, Brown County Planning, and Google offers our customers another value added service that will make riding Metro easier. The personalized trip planner takes the mystery out of finding out which bus to take to get to where you need to go.

Give it a try, I hope you like the new feature.



Marcel Kuemmet said...

Your trip planner rocks.
Really nice!
Good Job!!!

Marcel Kuemmet said...

I am a local blogger and musician (I am the senior Asst Ranger for Security and Enforcement for Brown County for a living) and I did a posting a while back on the GB Metro.
If you would like to check it out, here is the link ...
If you would like, feel free to post a link to it, although I know my writing skills leave much to be desired.

Thank you
Marcel A. Kuemmet

Anonymous said...

Would like to say the information meetings will be an opportunity to the public to voice our concerns and ask questions. Hopefully the Green Bay Media will take a POSITIVE SPIN on the METRO as well.

Trip planner is GREAT!

Anonymous said...

I like how you have the trip planner option, but I'm wondering why it's not easy to access on your webpage.

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure if my post went through... but I really like your trip planner. I am using it almost daily to plan my routes. Why did Google create the Green Bay area? It seems small compared to other cities. And why is it so hard to get to on your webpage? I found it by accident.

Anonymous said...

I agree, your Google Transit program is hard to find on your web page. Is there something you can do about this? I like the names of places you have listed for a search. Is there a way you can add listings?